Rebano-care ¡s neither a food nor a mineral, but it is the mixture of bioactive molecules separated and purified naturally. Rebano-careincreases Milk production capacity of cattle by improving their digestionpower and overall health.
Rebano-care ¡s neither a food nor a mineral, but it is the mixture of bioactive molecules separated and purified naturally. Rebano-careincreases Milk production capacity of cattle by improving their digestionpower and overall health.
Rebano-care is 100% natural Nutraceutical sterilized food supplement,which is made only for Lacting (milking) animals by special formula.Rebano-care contains Fiber Protein, Carbohydrates, Collagen Tissues,Fatty Acids, Vitamins, Essential Amino Acids, Calcium, Phosphorousand many other mineral.
Fiber Proteins available in Rebano-care makes digestion process simple and helps to speedup food digestion by synthesizing other Proteins present in the body. Rebano-care contains some other substances in addition to the substances shown above., viz. Hyluronic Acid, Arginine, Valine Triocine, Lucine, Glycine, Proline etc. Being complete food supplement, Rebano-care Increase the process of metabolism to highest level and makes it simple.
Collagen, Hyluronic Acid and some other substances work as bioactive molecules for healing and pain relief. They gives relief in joints pain, muscles pain and prevents muscles' stiffness.
Available Packing Size:
Advantages of Giving Rebano-Care Regularly to Animals:
Prevents de-hydration by improving digestion power.
Helps ¡n physical body building.
Helps in increasing milk production and fat content of milk by maintaining overall health.
Helps to increase SNF for long time by improving milk quality.
Protects animals from diseases like Mastitis
Since the overall health of animal goes on improving, there a visible increase in milk quantity from 1 0 to 20%.
Reproduction capacity of animals improves substantially.
Due to good health of animals, milking days are more during the year, which ultimately results in higher profit.
During pregnancy, more energy is utilized, which sometimes results in a kind of COLDNESS in animals.
Rebano-care provides this additional energy and keeps it healthy and maintains its weight.
Prevents from diseases causing due to calcium deficiency in milking as well as non-milking animals.
Proportionate consumption of Rebano-care protects animals from all kind of skin diseases and makes the skin and hairsoftand smooth.
In the diseases like Fibrois, Rebano-care helps in fast recovery thus reduction in treatment cost as well as time.
Helps in prevention of Epilepsy and Muscles cramps in animals.
Gives relieffrom diseases like bleeding in stools and bleeding in saliva.
Feeding procedure and dose : (Can be given by spreading or mixing with animals diet)
Minimum 10 grams per day to animals not under Lactation.
Minimum 20 grams per day to animals under Lactation.
About 50 grams per day or minimum 2 grams per liter per day for animals under Lactation and having calf.
Dose may be doubled than normal dose if the animals are in stresses condition.
For calves if given 5 to 7 grams per day, keeps good health and shows substantial development.