Natural Herbal Nutrient Binder
- Intensive shrímp culture often leads to deterioration of water quality with shrimp excreta and detritus decomposition being the main sources of ammonia in culture systems, it could pose threat to shrimps (Litopenaeusvannamei & Penaeusmonodon) that are cultivated inder high stocking density.
- Use of Ammonil will help alleviate these risks associated with intensive shrimp culture in brackishwater ecosystems.
- Ammonia and its effect at lethal and sub lethal concentrations
Ammonia is toxic to shrimp if allowed to accumulate in shrimp production systems. When ammonia accumulates totoxic levels,shrimpcan not extract energyfromfeed efficiently. If the ammonia concentration gets high enough,the shrimp will become lethargic and eventually die. Ammonia can also have sub lethal effects such as reduced growth ,poor feed conversion ,and reduced disease resistance at concentrations that are lower than lethal concentrations
Available Packing Size:
- Pro-bind contains Carbohydrates
- Oligosaccharides
- Natural Fibers, Natural Vitamin C, Natural Attractants
- Pro-bind helps in binding feed supplements, probiotics, vitamin etc. when applied to feed.
- Pro-bind increases bioavailibility of feed supplements.
- Pro-bind helps in absorption of nutrients and minerals.
- Pro-bind is chemically inert, therefore doesn't form any toxic complexes with feed
- Oligosaccharides helps in maintaining healthy digestive tract by suppressing pathogens.
- Natural attractant increases feed consumption.
- Pro-bind is water stable and easily digestible.